Thursday, January 31, 2013

Challenge #4 Something Green

I had a hard time finding something green to photograph today. Looking back I should have brought my camera to the grocery store with me...but I didn't want to be that weirdo today. Instead I took a picture of my home management binder since I used it today when I paid bills.

The first one is straight out of the camera. The sun was close to setting and the light in my front room was awful. The second is edited with the colors slightly adjusted, the brightness bumped up a bit and the Clean Craze action from My4Hens Photography ran on it and tweaked to my liking.


You'll probably notice that the SOOC shot is drastically different...and youre right. I lost the light (I was busy playing monopoly with the son)
I edited this shot by adding sunflare and warming it up.


ps...hahaha I just realized that these two are not the same picture. Oh well, you can still see the differences.


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