Monday, February 11, 2013

Challenge #14 Eyes

Challenge #12 Sunset

So, I ran out to get what I thought would be a decent sunset image only to find it was bit too cold and the sun wasn't really setting yet. By the time I remembered to check out the sunset again it was nearly dark. So, this is my sunset image for today. As always, the first is SOOC and the second is edited...


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Challenge #10 Childhood Memory

Challenge #9 Someone you love

This one I used a luxe color booster and I brought down the exposure on just the body

Challenge #8 A bad habit

I have to admit I've become addicted to drinking Monsters. These white ones are by far my favorite.

I couldn't decide on which edit I liked best...


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Challenge #7 Fruit


I didn't get as creative as Kathy did today, sorry.


Challenge #6 From a low angle

For this one (at the skating rink for a birthday party) I did a basic brighten and lighten.

It doesn't look like it, but I swear I was lying on the floor to get this shot. hahaha


Friday, February 1, 2013

This is my SOOC shot for today. My living room is pretty dark most of the day and I despise turning on the light to take pictures, I have yet to master avoiding that awful orange cast these awful lights have.

This is my edited picture.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

I had a hard time finding something green to photograph today. Looking back I should have brought my camera to the grocery store with me...but I didn't want to be that weirdo today. Instead I took a picture of my home management binder since I used it today when I paid bills.

The first one is straight out of the camera. The sun was close to setting and the light in my front room was awful. The second is edited with the colors slightly adjusted, the brightness bumped up a bit and the Clean Craze action from My4Hens Photography ran on it and tweaked to my liking.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Challenge #3 Clouds

This photo has very little done to it. I bumped up the sharpness and vibrance a little. We didn't have any clouds today so we had to improvise. :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Punched up the color and exposure a little to show how really bright these are


Monday, January 28, 2013

Challenge #1 Self Portrait

Edited Paint the Moon Actions
